'growing up with friends'

Q. What age can my child start?
A. Children must be at least 2 years old.
Q. Do you accept FEET funding?
A. Yes. Please get in contact to discuss, as we are limited in the amount we can take.
Q. How many sessions can my child attend?
A. Subject to space then we recommend a minimum of two sessions a week.
Q. Does my child need to be toilet trained?
A. This is not a pre-requisite.
Q. What is your admissions policy?
A. It is our intention to make our pre-school accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community. We operate a waiting list system based on date of enquiry. If any places become available during the course of a term, we refer to our waiting list. We recommend joining the waiting list as soon as possible – this has been known to have been done at birth! It is never too early to avoid disappointment.
Please click below to download our waiting list application form which will need to be returned by email, post or handed in at the door.
Q. What action should I take if my child is poorly?
A. Please phone or email by 9.30 and state reason. It is important that we should be informed immediately of any infections in order to alert other parents should their child become ill too. If your child has a sickness bug then, in the interests of other children and staff, our policy states that you keep them at home for at least 48 hours from the last occurance.
Q. What days and times do you operate?
A. Sessions run each weekday from 9am till midday with the option of staying for lunchclub until 1pm.
Q. What should I do if another person is collecting my child?
A. Please fill in details in the morning in our collection book. Your child will only be released to you or your named collector. However, in the case of an emergency you may telephone the Pre-School and give details of who is to collect the child. This person should be issued with a password for your child’s security. Alternatively, email a photograph of the person collecting, and their relationship to the child.
Q. What do you charge per hour?
A. Please contact us for further information on our Fee Structure and current availability.
Q. Can you explain how the Early Years Free Entitlement works?
A. The Free Entitlement is up to 38 weeks (15 hours a week). You will be asked to sign a parental declaration form to confirm that you understand the process of taking up your free entitlement with us. Further information regarding the free entitlement can be discussed at your initial enquiry.
Q. When are fees due?
A. An invoice is sent the term before and is payable in advance of the start of the term. We will provide bank account details.
Q. Do you accept childcare vouchers?
A. Yes – No refunds can be issued.
Q. Do you charge a registration fee?
A. We ask for a £50 registration fee, and £100 deposit to reserve your child’s place. These will be payable the term before your child starts.
The £100 deposit will be deducted from your first term’s invoice.
Q. What notice is required that my child will no longer attend?
A. A minimum of half a term’s notice in writing is required.
Q. Do you have any restrictions on what my child should wear?
A. Open-toed sandals, wellingtons, crocs, bracelets, necklaces and watches are not permitted. Longer length hair must be kept tied back. Children with pierced ears should wear studs only. The children are encouraged to be independent e.g. putting coat on for accessing the outside area, going to the toilet etc so clothes that are easy to manage themselves are preferable.
Q. What should I do if I have concerns?
A. Oatlands Pre-School hopes that you and your child enjoy being members of the pre-school. We operate an open door policy and are always happy to listen to your ideas, views, questions or you may use our suggestion box. Alternatively, if you wish to discuss any issue in confidence, you can speak to Mrs Patrick - our Manager, at any time.
Q. How will we be notified of an unscheduled closure?
A. An annoucement will be posted sent by email as soon as a decision is made e.g. in the event of inclement weather.
Q. Are there any items that my child may not have in their lunchbox?
A. We ask that there are no nuts i.e. cashews, peanuts and pistachios, also peanut butter.
Please ensure grapes and olives are halved lengthways to avoid the risk of choking. Please do not include sweets.